Saturday, May 17, 2008


Cut Paper Collage. (c) K. Ray Johnson 2005. Original 15" x 20". Depicting The First Vision.

Detail of the Savior. In some of the pieces here you
can see the print pattern of the material I used.
Detail of the trees.


Mrs. Hickman said...

Hi! I really love your "First Vision" piece and was wondering if there is anywhere I can purchase a print?! It is nowhere to be found! They used to have some framed at Deseret Book, but do not have them available anymore. Please let me know how i can get it! Thanks!

Janae H. said...

Is this art of available to purchase as a print? I would love to get it!

Desert Chronicles said...

I would like to get a copy of '1820' painting as well. Ken Atwood,

Anne said...

I'd like to purchase a print AND permission to create a quilt based on it.

Ray said...

For a print, visit

As to the quilt, please email me the details. Thanks.

Rachel said...

Hello! What an incredible work! So I am an artist too! Musician actually. I recently set a section of Joseph Smith’s account of the first vision, to music and am working on a video that will feature the music as well as a montage of modern-day artwork of the first vision. I was wondering if you would consider my using your “1820” in the video?