Thursday, July 28, 2011

Family Prayer

This is my new collage, and my entry in the Ninth International Art Competition. The theme is "Make Known His Wonderful Works." Many thanks to all who helped along the way. Here is the info I provided with my entry:

Artwork Title
Family Prayer
Artist Statement
Over a year ago, my wife asked me to make an artwork for our nursery. At the time, we had no children. I worked on this collage as we worked through the long process of applying and hoping to adopt. Like Noah, we were waiting and praying with no end in sight. As the collage neared completion, we were thrilled to adopt a beautiful baby boy. The collage now hangs over his crib as a reminder that the Lord truly will bless us, according to His timeline and after the trial of our faith.
Additional Information
This scene depicts Noah and his wife waiting for the floods to subside. I have always been impressed by Noah's faith during this trying, unadventurous time. The collage is made of thousands of hand-cut pieces of colored paper.
Medium Description
Cut paper collage on Masonite. 32" x 48."

Detail of the figures.

Detail of the planking.